Coloured Square

Register For This Site

This website is currently closed to public registrations. You will need an invitation code to register.

Important: we strongly encourage you to use Coloured Square materials to improve your skills and abilities; whilst you do this we ask you to respect the Intellectual Property of Coloured Square.

Therefore please read this page before you proceed as it explains certain legal and other restrictions in relation to the Coloured Square Materials including Workbooks and other training materials (the Materials).

Copyright and Design Rights
Except where indicated otherwise, all information, text, images and layout are the exclusive property of Coloured Square Ltd and all rights are reserved.

Use of Materials
You are permitted to use the Materials for your own personal, work-related purposes within your current organisation (the organisation which has commissioned your development work with Coloured Square). You are permitted to use the Materials only if you have received, or are due to receive, the authorised training for their permitted use. You may not in any way train others in the use of the Materials, resell any of these Materials or make these Materials available to any third party (unless you have completed a licensing process with Coloured Square which authorises you to do so).

Download and Storage of Materials
You are only permitted to print, copy, download or temporarily store extracts from this client area of the Coloured Square Website for your personal use, provided that you do not change or remove any copyright notices, trademarks or branding or make any amends to any of the Materials whatsoever. All intellectual and other property information shall continue to be held by Coloured Square Ltd and no rights of any kind in it shall pass to you.

Please agree to the terms and conditions below to confirm that you have read and understood this information.

No liability is assumed for any use, or misuse, of the information presented on this website.

Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.

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