

squeeze-your-time-lrgSqueeze Your Time

Want to get more done in your life? Want to create more space for yourself? Want to transform the way you look at your time? You do? Here’s how we can help: A small book, full of big ideas.

Available on Kindle & Audible Formats.

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Had enough of meetings where it’s all you can do to get through them? Want to bring more impact to your presentations, and enjoy them more? And what if you could stop the overload of information you and your colleagues put up with every day?

If you’re happy to think a little differently, and stop being a corporate robot, this book’s for you.

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dont-strain-little-lrgDon’t Strain LittleBrain

Feeling frazzled by work? Feeling tired by life? Would you like to know what’s going on? And how you can feel better? Here’s a book to help you realise how you’re contributing to your own frazzlement.

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Get out of autopilot and provide greater development.

Cut through the pointless propaganda that to be good at developing people, you’re supposed to take ‘the one best approach’.

Increase the impact you make in less time.

Pre-order (published 15th May)